Interfaces RS232



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Interfaces RS232

1 - 30 de 866 productos

  • Categoría: Interfaces RS232

  1. LHT65N LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor (US)LHT65N LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor (US)
    Dragino TechnologyLHT65N LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor (US)

    SKU: RB-Drt-102

    Sale price$42.33

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  2. Ultraleap Leap Motion Controller 2Ultraleap Leap Motion Controller 2
    UltraleapUltraleap Leap Motion Controller 2

    SKU: RB-Lep-12

    Sale price$217.00

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  3. M5Stack ATOM Echo Smart Speaker Dev KitM5Stack ATOM Echo Smart Speaker Dev Kit
    M5StackM5Stack ATOM Echo Smart Speaker Dev Kit

    SKU: RB-Mst-26

    Sale price$16.94
    En existencia, 3 unidades
  4. Dragino LPS8v2 Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway (US915, no 4G)Dragino LPS8v2 Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway (US915, no 4G)
    Dragino TechnologyDragino LPS8v2 Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway (US915, no 4G)

    SKU: RB-Drt-114

    Sale price$215.00

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  5. ESP8266 WiFi ShieldESP8266 WiFi Shield
    MakerfabsESP8266 WiFi Shield

    SKU: RB-Mkf-14

    Sale price$10.53
    9 Reviews

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  6. Seeedstudio XIAO ESP32C3 - Tiny MCU w/ Wi-Fi & BLESeeedstudio XIAO ESP32C3 - Tiny MCU w/ Wi-Fi & BLE
    SeeedStudioSeeedstudio XIAO ESP32C3 - Tiny MCU w/ Wi-Fi & BLE

    SKU: RB-See-933

    Sale price$5.39
    En existencia, 5 unidades
  7. ESP32 M5StickC PLUS2 Mini IoT Development KitESP32 M5StickC PLUS2 Mini IoT Development Kit
    M5StackESP32 M5StickC PLUS2 Mini IoT Development Kit

    SKU: RB-Mst-353

    Sale price$27.26

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  8. Dragino LPS8v2 Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway 4G EC25-AFXDragino LPS8v2 Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway 4G EC25-AFX
    Dragino TechnologyDragino LPS8v2 Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway 4G EC25-AFX

    SKU: RB-Drt-192

    Sale price$260.15

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  9. SE01-LB LoRaWAN Soil Moisture & EC Sensor (US915)SE01-LB LoRaWAN Soil Moisture & EC Sensor (US915)
    Dragino TechnologySE01-LB LoRaWAN Soil Moisture & EC Sensor (US915)

    SKU: RB-Drt-173

    Sale price$117.98
    En existencia, 10 unidades
  10. LSN50v2-S31B LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor 915MHz (North America)LSN50v2-S31B LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor 915MHz (North America)
    Dragino TechnologyLSN50v2-S31B LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor 915MHz (North America)

    SKU: RB-Drt-99

    Sale price$65.34

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  11. ELECFREAKS micro:bit Retro Programming ArcadeELECFREAKS micro:bit Retro Programming Arcade
    ELECFreaksELECFREAKS micro:bit Retro Programming Arcade

    SKU: RB-Elf-446

    Sale price$36.18
    Solo queda 1 unidad
  12. Audio Adaptor Board for Teensy 4.xAudio Adaptor Board for Teensy 4.x
    PJRCAudio Adaptor Board for Teensy 4.x

    SKU: RB-Pjr-20

    Sale price$9.80
    1 Reviews

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  13. Seeedstudio ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HATSeeedstudio ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT
    SeeedStudioSeeedstudio ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT

    SKU: RB-See-944

    Sale price$15.61
    En existencia, 7 unidades
  14. Lynxmotion PS2 Controller V4Lynxmotion PS2 Controller V4
    LynxmotionLynxmotion PS2 Controller V4

    SKU: RB-Lyn-899

    Sale price$26.24
    22 Reviews
    En existencia, 20 unidades
  15. Ultraleap 3Di Stereo Hand Tracking CameraUltraleap 3Di Stereo Hand Tracking Camera
    UltraleapUltraleap 3Di Stereo Hand Tracking Camera

    SKU: RB-Lep-10

    Sale price$250.00
    En existencia, 7 unidades
  16. Grove UART WiFi V2Grove UART WiFi V2
    SeeedStudioGrove UART WiFi V2

    SKU: RB-See-861

    Sale price$11.98
    1 Reviews
    Solo queda 1 unidad
  17. M5Stack CardKB Mini Keyboard Programmable Unit V1.1 (MEGA8A)M5Stack CardKB Mini Keyboard Programmable Unit V1.1 (MEGA8A)
    M5StackM5Stack CardKB Mini Keyboard Programmable Unit V1.1 (MEGA8A)

    SKU: RB-Mst-286

    Sale price$9.63

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  18. SX1262 LoRa Node Module for RPi Pico, LoRaWAN, Frequency Band 915M (902~930MHZ)SX1262 LoRa Node Module for RPi Pico, LoRaWAN, Frequency Band 915M (902~930MHZ)
  19. SeeedStudio Crazyradio 2.0 Wireless Communication DeviceSeeedStudio Crazyradio 2.0 Wireless Communication Device
    SeeedStudioSeeedStudio Crazyradio 2.0 Wireless Communication Device

    SKU: RB-See-1024

    Sale price$54.40
    En existencia, 7 unidades
  20. Thin Speaker 4 Ohm, 2.5W, 28mmThin Speaker 4 Ohm, 2.5W, 28mm
    Sparkfun ElectronicsThin Speaker 4 Ohm, 2.5W, 28mm

    SKU: RB-Spa-2151

    Sale price$1.95

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  21. LPS8N Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway 915 MHz (North America)LPS8N Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway 915 MHz (North America)
    Dragino TechnologyLPS8N Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway 915 MHz (North America)

    SKU: RB-Drt-98

    Sale price$205.70
    2 Reviews
    Solo quedan 2 unidades
  22. Elenco AM/FM Radio Kit (Combo IC & Transistor)Elenco AM/FM Radio Kit (Combo IC & Transistor)
    ElencoElenco AM/FM Radio Kit (Combo IC & Transistor)

    SKU: RB-Ibo-489

    Sale price$54.58
    1 Reviews

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  23. Audio Frequency Analyzer Chip - MSGEQ7Audio Frequency Analyzer Chip - MSGEQ7
    Sparkfun ElectronicsAudio Frequency Analyzer Chip - MSGEQ7

    SKU: RB-Spa-1193

    Sale price$5.50
    3 Reviews
    Solo queda 1 unidad
  24. Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 to RJ45 Ethernet ModuleWaveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 to RJ45 Ethernet Module
    WaveshareWaveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 to RJ45 Ethernet Module

    SKU: RB-Wav-834

    Sale price$27.82

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  25. Dragino LoRaWAN Water Leak Sensor LWL02 (US915)Dragino LoRaWAN Water Leak Sensor LWL02 (US915)
    Dragino TechnologyDragino LoRaWAN Water Leak Sensor LWL02 (US915)

    SKU: RB-Drt-81

    Sale price$19.88
    2 Reviews
    En existencia, 9 unidades
  26. Industrial Serial Server, RS485 to RJ45 Ethernet, TCP/IP to Serial, Rail-MountIndustrial Serial Server, RS485 to RJ45 Ethernet, TCP/IP to Serial, Rail-Mount
  27. Navio2 GPS/GNSS AntennaNavio2 GPS/GNSS Antenna
    EmlidNavio2 GPS/GNSS Antenna

    SKU: RB-Eml-03

    Sale price$14.40
    En existencia, 13 unidades
  28. RadioLink T8S Bluetooth 2.4GHz 8CH Transmitter w/ R8EF 8CH ReceiverRadioLink T8S Bluetooth 2.4GHz 8CH Transmitter w/ R8EF 8CH Receiver
  29. Fermion DFPlayer Pro Mini MP3 Player w/ Onboard 128MB Storage (Breakout)Fermion DFPlayer Pro Mini MP3 Player w/ Onboard 128MB Storage (Breakout)
    DFRobotFermion DFPlayer Pro Mini MP3 Player w/ Onboard 128MB Storage (Breakout)

    SKU: RB-Dfr-974

    Sale price$10.77
    3 Reviews

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  30. Dragino LT-22222-L LoRa I/O Controller (915MHz)Dragino LT-22222-L LoRa I/O Controller (915MHz)
    Dragino TechnologyDragino LT-22222-L LoRa I/O Controller (915MHz)

    SKU: RB-Drt-50

    Sale price$60.48
    1 Reviews
    En existencia, 3 unidades